My First Guided Meditation Experience

Hi everyone, 

I have been diligently focused with creation, honestly it has been intense, and knowing that there must be a balance between being present, and creating is important in the process. I believe that if I never incorporated meditation in my life; I wouldn't be at peace with where I am today, because there is so much that goes into creation; it can drive one insane, and a lot of artists get swept up into a cycle that can overwhelm a body and especially the mind. 

This is where I stand within my creative journey; I learned that even though I am happy behind the piano keys producing music; I am still doing something even though I was relaxing, the creative process is still doing, and I realized this when I was out for a month after I hurt my wrist from an active fall, this pause allowed me to feel what I felt earlier in my life when I had less happening. I learned that I must put aside time to remove myself from the place of creation, into the mindset of just being; literally just sitting there breathing, and doing nothing. Doing nothing feels great especially after a productive day.

I remember my first experiences meditating, the days when I couldn't define or place a word behind the act of being in the present moment; I was 11, and I remember walking into my families restroom, at that time, there was still FM/AM radios and my parents had one available so that we had the ability to listen to music while we got ready for the day. One evening I walked into the restroom after a long day of school and sat down on the floor, and while taking in the experience I noticed that the radio was in between stations, hearing only the static noise, too exhausted to get up I left it. Now and days people sleep to sounds identical to the static from the radio "white noise" sounds a lot better but at that time, it worked for me, and that was my first experience and was what I used.

Years later, at the age of 17 still practicing the act of just being, I was told that I had to take a class in psychology, so I chose mental health, and I am very grateful that I did because my teacher led my first guided meditation experience. She dimmed the lights, asked the class and I to sit in a comfortable position with our eyes closed, and I remember thinking to myself "this is going to be awesome". She spoke in a very calm and peaceful manner, engaging our senses while we visualized the images she painted in our minds with scenes, asking us to imagine ourselves sitting in a meadow of grass surrounded by trees, to focus on our breathing every other minute. Ever since this time, I have placed myself in this exact place as often as I can, for 15 minutes to an hour daily, just being, not trying to do anything, simply being. 


I hope everyone who reads this has found their place of peace; and if not finds one soon because it is very healthy, especially if you live a busy life.

If you are interested in taking yourself on an active meditation, feel free to browse my latest project as there may be a session near you!




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